Sunday, 27 June 2021

'Probably' everything that ripped off Conan the Destroyer

Sequel to classic original sucked ass, but that didn't stop others doing what they did.


Subtlety? Parody? Originality?

Err, not really.

Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode III
Galdregon's Domain (EU) aka Death Bringer
Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II
Beastmaster III: The Eye of Braxus
The Legend of Blacksilver
Time Fighter
Golden Axe III (JP)
Even though Sega hired Boris Vallejo to create cover for second exclusive Mega Drive sequel, publishing restrictions prevented them from using it.

Instead, Sohhei Oshiba cobbled together a piss poor imitation of painting Silver Sword.


Title screen of SNES weapon-based fighter Battle Blaze features Kerrell (Faud in Japanese version).
Twin brother Lang (Rangle in Japan) only appears in Battle Mode.


Golden Axe arcade flyer (JP) vs publicity still

Rastan Saga II arcade flyer (JP) vs publicity still

Same image (albeit cropped), was used for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (first edition) adventure module Conan Against Darkness!

Golden Axe (Master System ending) vs pose during duel with Bombaata

Ha ha ha!

Silmarils are probably most famous for the Ishar series.

In 1991, defunct French developer randomly brought Amstrad CPC exclusive Xyphoes Fantasy.

I wonder which source artist based cover around?
FYI, game 'impressively' ripped off Wrath of the Demon, Shadow of the Beast and Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior.

Oh yeah.

Stage complete screen vs another pose during duel with Bombaata

That's all live action wrote, but that doesn't mean I'm finished with the Hyborian Age.

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