Saturday, 15 September 2018

The Predator - The scoop and digest

For hiring close friend and registered sex offender Steven Wilder Striegel, much controversy surrounds Shane Black's present-day sequel.

After learning about his murky past (whom she starred opposite with), Olivia Munn alerted Fox, who subsequently cut scene.

She claims apology for 'stupid decision' was not aimed at her, but for everybody else.

But she was happy to work with Bryan Singer in X-Men: Apocalypse, right?

I'm sure there's no smoke without fire, but he was never convicted of sexual abuse.

Moving on.

Boyd Holbrook - Quinn McKenna
Olivia Munn - Casey Bracket
Jacob Tremblay - Rory McKenna
Trevante Rhodes - Nebraska
Sterling K. Brown - Traeger
Keegan-Michael Key - Coyle
Thomas Jane - Baxley
Alfie Allen - Lynch
Augusto Aguilera - Nettles


Following a crash on Earth, a Predator is sedated and researched at Project Stargazer.

Ex-soldier Quinn McKenna loots craft and sends equipment to autistic son Rory, whose preternatural ability to learn new languages inadvertently triggers alien technology, alerting another Predator.

Disgruntled biologist Casey Bracket is thrown together with Quinn and bunch of merc misfits (dubbed the Loonies), to fight against a super predator who has evolved by acquiring DNA from prey on other planets.

Next on evolutionary menu is Rory...

Oh dear

Nobody realistically expected this to be anywhere near as good as cult original, but I never thought result would be horrific.

Poorly constructed spectacle does have some redeeming qualities.

Action moves at a good pace, set-pieces are impressively gory and I didn't really hate anybody.

Screenplay by Shane Black and Fred Dekker works to a degree, but relentless quips rarely land.

One line from Nebraska (I think?) did tickle me though.

"If your mother's vagina was a video game, it'd be rated E for Everyone."

Subtitles are a nice idea, but BP (Big Predator) chats way too much shit.

Rory goes trick-or-treating wearing predator mask and after some guy throws something at him for giving door a knock, shoulder cannon suddenly blows asshole away.

Why wasn't this left on cutting room floor?


Government agent informs they visited Earth in 1987 (when original was released) and 1997 (year when sequel was set).

Predator dogs may be a throwaway nod to hostile varieties in Predators.

Jake Busey (real life son of Gary Busey), plays scientist Sean Keyes.  Surname is a tribute to father's character in Predator 2.

Upon seeing still tranqed 'traitor' TP (Traitor Predator) up close, Bracket remarks "You're one beautiful mother fucker."

Corny? Just a bit.

"Get to the chopper" is very underwhelming and said without conviction.

At the end of re-shot, and extremely messy final act, BP is dismembered by explosions.

Quinn asks helpless monster 'what are you?'

Almost immediately, it's told to 'shut the fuck up' and shot several times in the head.



For reasons unknown, TP fled home planet to give humans a weapon to combat future Predator attacks.

So why is he initially murdering everybody?

We wanted an alien, or refrigerated Dutch (laughs) to emerge from pod, but no, weapon is a fucking dumb Iron Man suit (dubbed Predator Killer), which attaches itself to nearest human.

I guess they'll call next one The Predator 2?

Now that would be funny.

Having said that, the same problem exists with The Batman.

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