Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Resident Evil 2 (1998) - Beyond the Horror

I think we can all agree that Akuras shop, publicity photo of Back to the Future III and Redrum on wooden boards is common knowledge, right?


So here's more.

Taxago rather than Texaco.
Basketball court has some odd graffiti.
Blood on Dancefloor and This too shall pass.
Whether intentional or not, Above the Rim is a 1994 film.
Gleam watches
Vending machine is clearly a nod to Coca Cola.
Though not shown in full, Kong Burger is based on Burger King's now defunct logo.
S.T.A.R.S. office is about to get weird.

Gold emblem
Unicorn medal is hidden underneath Chris's diary.
Oh look, there's the other emblem.
How did respective key items get from the Spencer Mansion, and more importantly - WHY?

Is it just me that finds it extremely strange that only those who survived* the 'Mansion Incident' have their own desks?

*Wesker didn't officially die until Resident Evil 5.

Wait a mo, what about Brad?

Excluding Rebecca of course, what about those poor bastards from Bravo team?

RIP Forest, Enrico, Joseph, Richard, Edward and Kenneth.

Moving on.

Ben Bertolucci's surname could be in tribute to Italian film director Bernado Bertolucci.
Similarly, William Birkin's surname may come from Reiner Schwartz's Dr. Birkin in David Cronenberg's cult 1979 horror classic The Brood.
Alex debuted in Street Fighter III: New Generation.
Wrecked Mini is similar to the one famously driven by Rowan Atkinson's Mr Bean.
Title is illegible, but image is ripped from Playboy, June 1989.

Okay then.

Seen very briefly during Leon's intro, President Mithouard did indeed hold said position of the municipal council of Paris from 1914 - 1919.
Was zombie supposed to represent him?

Plaque is nearly the same as actual sign.
But Raccoon City 'was' situated in America...

(Shrugs shoulders).

To something that makes more sense.

Wesker forms part of window.
To-fu's beret shy friend is 'patched up', just like Leon.

Next is probably total coincidence.

Random zombie vs Elliot Edward*

*Not to be confused with Elliott from Outbreak.

Scenario B

Surname of character designer Ryoji Shimogama is spelled in reverse.
Check this out.

Unlike remake, helicopter crashing actually made sense.
Please note N21RA on tail boom.
Same helicopter is seen in ST.A.R.S. photo.
Kick ass.

To wrap up, my personal best.

Leon vs Back Seat zombie

Yep, they just edited and recoloured face model.


Ruben Fleicher's Zombieland is rumoured to be based on Left 4 Dead 2, but I don't see much in it.

Double Tap is out in October, but for now - it's all about 2009 original.

Rule #4 Seatbelts vs Back seat attack


But wait.

Capcom's original inspiration may have stemmed from Universal Soldier, as Dolph Lundgren's psychotic villain tries to strangle Van Damme's goodie.

It's not beyond the realms of possibility.


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