Saturday, 23 April 2022

'Probably' everything that NAM-1975 ripped off

Blatantly modelled on Cabal and Dynamite Duke, the first developed for the Neo Geo MVS and AES platforms was the only game without boot screen.

Before getting into the Summer of 1975, here's nonsensical Prologue.


In the battlefields, Silver & Brown were running through the flames to the helicopter of the allied army.  Bombings were going off indiscriminately. Death awaits both friend and foe. Only the men who escape will witness the bloody sunrise of tomorrow.

Two left the hell behind with the buzzing of the helicopter.

Sunrise reflected the battle on the fields like a curse.


They were on the camouflaged boat preparing for action. The smell of the morning grass made them forget about the war momentarily. The sounds of the enemy's rifles reminds them that they are at war.  The two men running up the deck had a hunch the nightmare was starting again.



Silver and Brown are recalled to Natorm Headquarters for a mission to save Dr. Richard Muckly and his daughter Nancy who have been kidnapped.

Cover art

Silver vs Mark Hamill - The Big Red One

Chris Helper¹ vs Raquel Welch - One Million Years B.C.

¹NPC assists when rescued.

Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket

Two seminal classics are unofficially adapted.

Silver vs Willard

Shortly after, dude transforms into Animal Mother.

Wait a mo, 'to Kill', as in Born to Kill?

Adam Baldwin's headgear is inscribed with I Am Become Death, a quotation from Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita.

So motto on Joker's helmet was erroneously 'borrowed'.
(Rolls eyes).

Pvt. Pyle

Colonel Kurtz


House and floor appears to be lifted from the 'Ride of the Valkyries' sequence.

Digitised image behind high score table looks like the patrol boat scene with Chef and Willard.


I'm far from done.

Nancy vs Marian - Double Dragon

Dr. Richard Muckly vs Belger - Final Fight

Here's a close-up of antagonist.

Before screaming Dr. Robotnik of Sonic the Hedgehog fame, Mega Drive original was released a year later in 1991.

So who (if anyone) was crazy scientist based on?

I have an outlandish theory.

Charles Bronson
How would Britain's most famous prisoner react?

Oh I know.


Title screen vs photograph of U.S. Army Sgt. Philip Fink, June 12, 1965

Undeniably similar, yes?

Rambo: First Blood Part II

Enemy vs Lt. Tay

As a whole.

When Murdock learns that Rambo disobeyed orders, rescue mission is aborted.
Lifer holds Trautman at gunpoint and warns him not to be a hero.

Operation Wolf
The location of the concentration camp was sweated out of the enemy.
Finally, I'm going manual overdrive.

Soldier vs John Matrix - Commando

So they made Arnold Schwarzenegger a silhouette.


Commander may be from something too, but then again - maybe not.

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Body of Bodies - Only People and Corpses

Final part is a mass of unholy repugnance.


The Machine: Under my Skin Part 2 - Dark Horse Comics issue 24
Flesh gathers the Chosen.
Zygote - Oats Studios
An alien composed of 96 crew members requires two more to complete disturbing jigsaw.
At First Glance He Looks Very Fierce but He's Really a Nice Person - Utagawa Kuniyoshi
What a wacky title.
Myr Battlesphere - Magic: The Gathering
Artifact Creature is illustrated by Franz Vohwinkel.
Skybound X
Chapter 4 of Rick Grimes 2000 concludes in undead fashion.
Video games

Aggar - Altered Beast (1988)
Shinado - Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon
Along the River boss - Beast Busters
Corpses Behemoth - Clive Barker's Jericho
Dan - Clock Tower (1995)

Type of Nurarihyon is initially a peculiar little man with large ears, but true form is a naked colossus.

Gantz: O

Translation is brilliant.


Debuting in PS1 masterpiece Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, gruesome shell of flesh is named after a concept in Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.'s 1963 novel Cat's Cradle.

'False karass' is a satirical reference to a chivalrous group of people sharing a similar belief, defined as a 'proud and meaningless association of human beings'.

What's encountered in the depths of Catacombs is a literal representation.

Boss was renamed Legion in subsequent entries, but design remains largely consistent.

For example.

Aria of Sorrow
Oh yeah.

Legion 52 - Cube Gothic
An obvious tribute.

Castlevania - S3 E9

The Magician uses minions to create a giant sphere of bodies to fight Isaac.

In the Hills, the Cities (1984)

Written for the first volume of Books of Blood, Clive Barker's disturbing yarn has gay lovers Mick and Judd witness two human skyscrapers engaging in the ritual of ceremonial battle.

Suffice to say, things don't end well.

Tapping the Vein: Book Two (1989)

Script adaptation: Charles Wagner and Fred Burke
Artwork: John Bolton



Break from the Crowd

Miller Lite commercial was directed by Zack Snyder in 2007.

The Academy Award-winning tools of Massive Software and Vicon gather a cast of thousands.
Only eight live actors were filmed on set, with the rest a combination of dummies and CG.

All very interesting stuff, but I scream PLAGIARISM.

Tell me I'm wrong?
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