Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Batman (1989)

Partly inspired by seminal comics The Killing Joke and The Dark Knight Returns, the first instalment in the Warner Bros.' film series ditched the campiness of the classic 60's TV series and set the benchmark for the modern day superhero genre.

Without Tim Burton's film, Batman: The Animated Series wouldn't exist.

It's as simple as that.

Kicking things off, an alternative beginning.

Gotham City, a well known crime capital, has been ruled by violence and death for many years.
A fact that billionaire playboy and vigilante Bruce Wayne plans to change. At the centre of the problem is Carl Grissom, who controls all the major criminal activity in the city. When his gang learned of Wayne's plans, they took immediate action. 
Sometime in 1989...

(Phone rings).

Hello, Bruce Wayne, here.
Hee hee hee, Mr. Wayne. So pleased to make your acquaintance.
I believe you know who I am. Don't hang up! 
Your lover for your cooperation.
What?! What's happened to Vicki? Who is this?!
Not so fast, Bruce. Turn on your TV.
You son of a...
What have you done to her?
Nothing yet... but I'd enjoy the opportunity of rubbing her rhubarb...
Just let us do as we please or prepare to dance with the devil by the pale moonlight.
Lieutenant! Vicki was kidnapped!
That tall drink of blonde water from the Gotham Globe. Do you know what they say? They say she can't be killed, they say she drinks blood. They say...
I say, you're full of shit, Knox. Oh, uh, you can quote me on that.

Video games

Selection follows.


Loading screen is a superb recreation of the cover to official comic adaptation (with the cute addition of film strip).


Bat Brain and Mr. Joker look good.
Ruined by.

As he's making his escape in the helicopter, clothes have miraculously changed colour.
If they got his clobber right in the title screen, then why not do the same with sprite?

(Rolls eyes).

Arcade (1990)

Batman's gangly kick is extremely similar to a shot of Keaton defeating alleyway ninja.

However, I remain skeptical.

Throughout game, we get a series of digitised publicity stills (and voice samples).

High score screen makes absolutely no sense.
A few more endings.

PC Engine

The most obscure version got the final shot of film correct, but rather than light'signal' is erroneously fixed against the moon.

Maybe programmers confused shit with this.

(Shrugs shoulders).

Mega Drive

Spot on.


Plot bears little resemblance to film, but what a great game.

Once again, very impressive.


Joker (2019)

During the Joker's Smylex commercial, he says "So remember... put on a happy face."

30 years later.

The meat of phrase becomes Arthur's motto and is written on the mirror of his dressing room, just before Murray Franklin gets what he fucking deserves. 
At the Flugelheim Museum, Thomas Gainsborough's The Blue Boy is one of several famous paintings ultimately defaced.
Guess what's hanging in his apartment?


The Dark Knight (2008)

Keeping shit simple, Heath Ledger was heavily based on the works of Francis Bacon.
Joker stops Bob from destroying Figure With Meat, as he 'kinda likes this one'.
Lovely stuff.
Joker murders one of Gambol's men by making his pencil 'disappear', famously dubbed a 'magic trick'. 
'Uncle Bingo' kills Vinnie Ricorso by throwing a pen (in reality, a quill) into his throat.
More, more, more.

The Joker encourages Batman to run him down with the Batpod, which is the same principle as Jack Nicholson urging Batman to shoot him in the Batwing.

When Batman throws the Joker off the high-rise building, he finds the prospect of death hilarious, until he's rescued by the grappling gun.

I'm sure this is pure coincidence, but instead of screaming, Craig Shaw Gardner's novelisation has Joker laugh insanely when he falls from the helicopter.

Aliens (1986)

Acton Lane Power Station was decommissioned in 1983.

James Cameron needed an alien nest, and after coming across the disused building in West London, the production team stripped it down, painted it silver, and voila.

Set was still intact and recycled for Axis Chemicals.

When the marines are first approaching Hadley's Hope, Apone says: "Ten seconds, people. Look sharp."

Exactly ten seconds later, they exit the APC.

What's this?

Before the Joker enters the cathedral with Vicki, he requests 'transportation for two' in ten minutes, which between them entering and the helicopter arriving, action unfolds in real-time.

While nothing to do with either film, Dark Horse did their thing.

Batman/Aliens (March-April 1997)
Batman/Aliens II (December 2002-February 2003)

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (2008)

Whether intentional or not, the final entry developed and released by Midway contains a few interesting nods to Joker.

Extendable boxing glove gun


Mortal Kombat (2011)
Shang Tsung's fatality was the same, just more violent.
Next time, I'll be looking at what happened before Batman Returns.

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