Friday, 24 May 2019

Love, Death & Robots - Cultural references

For those who don't know, Netflix series is a re-imagining of 1981 animated cult classic Heavy Metal (inspired by fantasy comic of same name).

From the eighteen available, I've decided to scrutinise six.

Three Robots

Xbot 4000 recreates the iconic opening sequence of Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Lovely stuff.

Check this out.

Post-apocalyptic future has a giant boat jammed inside skyscraper.
How the fuck did it get there?

Unofficial guess is the aftermath of a tsunami.


Same thing is seen in ultra violent anime Fist of the North Star.

Black Robot's voice box (if you like), bears a striking resemblance to HAL 9000 from Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Don't be fooled by my icy cool calmness, because I'm one evil fucker.
T-800 scanning in progress.
K-VRC vs Briareos Hecatonchires (Appleseed)

Ears seal it for me.

Maybe I'm drunk with excitement, but here fucking goes.

Black Robot steals a red and white cap from corpse and decides to wear it.
Ignoring 'Jesus Saves', Terry Bogard anybody?

For character portrait at least, cap first displayed Fatal Fury in The King of Fighters '96.
A few more.

Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition
In Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory, King of (we presume Fighters) is displayed.

Geezer went for the op and became a 'Fatal Cutie' in SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy.

Hank vs Barry Burton (Resident Evil 1996)

Beth vs Vasquez (Aliens)

More generic is this.

Mechs vs Avatar?

Aside from obvious comparisons to xenomorphDeeBee shares its name with enemy from Gears of War 4.

DeeBee Queen (kind of) vs Alien Queen (Aliens)

Also, alien bug beastie rings loud bells of Starship Troopers.

Pickings are extremely skinny in The Dump, but...

Junk monster reforms after being shot, as per the T-1000.

Even camera shot is identical.

Helping Hand

Yes it's Gravity, but with extra weight.

Alexandria vs Ripley

Or even.

Amanda Ripley (Alien: Isolation)
Space debris appears to resemble the end of creature's spiked tail.
Satellite LV426.
Planetoid was first mentioned in Aliens.
How astronaut removes arm is different in principle, but smacks of 127 Hours.
Fish Night

One my favourite shorts takes heavy inspiration from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Upon seeing ghosts of prehistoric marine life, Young Man exclaims 'It's beautiful!'
Just before the wrath of God is unleashed, Paul Freeman's Belloq says the same thing.
Moray eel passes through body.
Pretty much like celestial spirits playing with and subsequently killing Nazi gathering.

Now tact radically changes.

Shark vs Deep Blue Sea?

(Shrugs shoulders).

Alternate Histories

Penultimate (and extremely silly effort) sees Hitler die in various ways.

What's this?

The Creation of Adam - Michelangelo
 Parody start.

I want more, so let's hope Season 2 is given thumbs-up.

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