Thursday, 19 December 2019

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - The scoop and digest

After Colin Trevorrow left project due to creative differences, J.J. Abrams is back at directorial helm to conclude saga.

Daisy Ridley - Rey
John Boyega - Finn
Mark Hamill - Luke Skywalker
Carrie Fisher - General Leia Organa
Adam Driver - Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Oscar Isaac - Poe Dameron
Billy Dee Williams - Lando Calrissian
Richard E. Grant - General Pryde

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

Dur, dur, duh, duh, dur, dur, dur, dur, dur ,dur, etc etc etc


Title crawl goes something like this.

The dead speak! A sinister voice believed to be Emperor Palpatine sends shockwaves across the galaxy.

General Leia Organa dispatches agents to gather intelligence while Rey prepares to fight the First Order.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is determined to hunt phantom down.

(Camera pans down).

The force frowned at this one

Unlike Episode VII (which basically remade A New Hope), we applaud the fact that Return of the Jedi isn't just re-skinned.

But having said that, risk-free story has no alarms and no surprises.

Of course high-octane action looks stunning, but lightsaber duels and space battles are never exhilarating.

Boring even.

Driver and Ridley give impressive performances, but Finn and Poe simply bicker like an old married couple.

Integrating unused footage of Carrie Fisher into new surroundings always worried me.

And guess what?

It looks weird.

Snoke? He's nothing but a clone baby.


Palpatine pulling First Order strings on Exogol screams desperation.

Kudos to Ian McDiarmid for doing a great job though.

Convoluted plot basks in exposition and stupid dialogue, retcons The Last Jedi and relentlessly ticks fan service boxes.

Rey is Emperor's granddaughter and wants her to kill him so the Sith can rule the universe.

Having sucked the Force from both Rey and Ben, hooded villain apparently becomes omnipotent.

But in true Rocky style, a seemingly beaten Rey (buoyed by Jedi voices), picks ass up from canvas and uses Skywalker lightsabers to deflect lightning blasts.

As Darth Vader once said, "All too easy."

Before finding peace with the Force, Ben brings Rey back to life (SWALK).

Aww, how sweet.

Easy to miss, but on Passanna, C-3PO remarks the Festival of Ancestors is only celebrated every 42 years.

Minus number from 2019 and you'll get 1977 (year 'original' was released).


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