Monday, 24 April 2023

Resident Evil 2 (2019) and Resident Evil 4 (2005) - Goofs

Two more entries are ripped to pieces.

Resident Evil 2 (2019)


Girl is about to be hit by rig approaching at high speed.
In the next shot.

Vehicle disappears.
Not for long though.

That's gotta hurt.
Sure a zombie would live to bite another day, but body would be in pretty bad shape.

As you can see, not a scratch.

Also, because road is nowhere near Raccoon City, where the fuck did she come from?

Mizoil Gas Station

Rear of Cortini's cruiser displays She riff.

Once inside.

A zombie takes a huge chunk of Cortini's neck.
When gameplay resumes, flesh should still be still inside mouth.

It's vanished.
Boo hiss boo.


Subtitles state: For fuck sake, which obviously should be fuck's, as per voice. 
large explosion. Large explosion.
Headlines set to repeat are always held in high regard.
After Leon takes a bullet for Ada, mercenary takes pity on rookie by draping her trenchcoat over him.

Please note neck scarf aka neckerchief, which is separate to coat.
Gone forever.
The following is more relevant to Claire's campaign.

Once flames of wrecked chopper are extinguished, Tyrant magically appears.
Shooting head causes hat to fall off, rewarding Hat's Off trophy/achievement.

But what happens if we purposely resist?

Let's find out.

Providing we have key card inside parking garage, hat has inexplicably vanished.

Things play out slightly differently in Leon's story, and we assume it fell off when killing Ben.

Moving on.

William kills Tyrant outside lift, ironically saving Claire and Sherry.
Awesome stuff, but is blood on the good doctor's claws?

Don't be silly.
Resident Evil 4 (2005)

Leon travels to Spain in 2004.

Trouble is, game still uses pesetas, even though the Euro replaced country's currency in 2002.


Number has always bothered me.

Cover art example.

4 resident evil
Title screen is the same.

Rather amusingly, when intro climaxes:

resident evil 4
After everyone goes to bingo.

resident evil
What the FUCK?

Eighteen years later...

Resident Evil 4
Better late than never I suppose.

Leon recalls 1998.

July 24
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Prior to September 28
October 1
Resident Evil 2 takes place between 29-30 September.

Considering he wasn't there - what a guy.


Top shelf is completely empty.
After cut scene.

Handgun ammo appears.
Chief Bitores Méndez

Boss encounter with the beard to be feared turns fiery.

Hasta luego.

How did superb growth not ignite?


Salazar: I've sent my right hand to dispose of you.
Leon: You're right hand comes off?
Great cheese from Mr. Kennedy, but comeback should be your.

Knife to meet you

Blade is heading for throat.
Nearly there.
Or so it seems.

Weapon is ultimately plunged into chest.
Ver 2.01

Krauser gives Leon's left cheek something to remember him by.
Is wound still there during chat with Saddler?

Nope, geezer has self-healed.

After Leon finishes flirting with Hunnigan in the post-credits scene, we get results screen.
Title of Intelligence report reads:
Rescue mission of presidents daughter:
Not president's? Oops.

Until next time.

Saturday, 22 April 2023

Evil Dead Rise - The scoop and digest

Lee Cronin writes and directs standalone sequel.

Lily Sullivan - Beth
Alyssa Sutherland - Ellie
Morgan Davies - Danny
Gabrielle Echols - Bridget
Nell Fisher - Kassie


Caleb, Teresa and an unwell Jessica are vacationing at a lakeside cabin (obviously).

Teresa checks on Jessica, and scalped by possessed chum.

After Jessica decapitates Caleb, Teresa watches her rise from lake.

One day earlier.

Beth visits sister and single mum Ellie in her soon to be condemned Los Angeles apartment block.

When Ellie sends children for pizza, an earthquake creates a huge hole in parking lot.

Danny investigates, taking phonograph records and a mysterious book, revealed to be the third volume of Naturom Demonto, discovered by priests in 1923.

A vinyl recording quotes book's incantations, giving iconic high-speed tracking shot licence to do its thing on Ellie.

Innocence is destroyed

The brutality of Fede Álvarez's Evil Dead had me squirming in my seat.

Lightning didn't strike twice.

Having said that, I still had a bloody good time.

References tick fan service boxes and just like director's debut The Hole in the Ground, The Shining is given lots of love.

Principle of apartment block setting is identical to Demons 2, but Cronin claims to have never seen it.


Whatever, similarities to video games are undeniable.

Peephole sequence is basically Silent Hill 4: The Room, and anybody who's played Resident Evil 7: Biohazard should immediately compare Ellie to Mia and Marguerite (less insect womb).

Yes I know Capcom weren't exactly ignorant to Evil Dead.  After all, Ethan's moldy wife Mia was named after and modelled on Jane Levy's character.

Beth's shotgun deprives Ellie of limbs, leading to Danny, Bridget and Deadite neighbours fusing with antagonist.

The Thing-esque end boss (the Marauder) couldn't be less intimidating and after eating chainsaw, is fed to a conveniently placed woodchipper.

The following morning, its spirit possesses Jessica, setting up opening.

Bruce Campbell has indicated future will depend on box office success.

Let's hope shit will come to fruition, sooner rather than 10 years later.

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Fungus: Horror Among Spores

Fung'/us (-ngg-), n. (pl. -i pr. -ji, -uses). Mushroom, toadstool, or allied plant including moulds; (Bot.) cryptogamous plant without chlorophyll feeding on organic matter, things of sudden growth; (Path.) spongy morbid growth or excrescence; skin disease of fish.

The Voice in the Night

English author William Hope Hodgson gave birth to killer fungus genre in 1907.

Short story was first adapted for an episode of 1958 TV series Suspicion, under the title of Voice in the Night.

Japanese film Matango came next in 1963, released in America as Attack of the Mushroom People.

The Infected were impressively brought to life.

The following may grow on you.

Creatures of Want and Ruin - Molly Tanzer
Wanderers - Chuck Wendig
The Woodwitch - Stephen Gregory
Agents of Greenland - Caitlín R. Kiernan
The Fireman¹ - Joe Hill
What Moves the Dead - T. Kingfisher
The Button Man and the Murder Tree² - Cherie Wilds

¹ntbcw to Stephen Leather book of same name.
²a weird entry in George R. R. Martin's long-running Wild Cards series, concerning Mob hitman Raul Esposito.

The Girl with All the Gifts (M. R. Carey), works by Jeff VanderMeer (and more) will be covered separately.

A major change to HBO's The Last of Us is swapping spores for tendrils.

Tess and the controversial 'kiss'.
The Fungus (retitled Death Spore in 1990) was written by John Brosnan (under the pseudonym of Harry Adam Knight) and Roy Kettle.

Check out original 1985 cover (artist uncredited).

I'm not saying anything, but seriously - WTF man?

More from the small screen.

The X-Files - Firewalker (S2 E9)

Mulder and Scully investigate a remote base and discover a silicon-based form of Ophiocordyceps fungus may be responsible for killing researchers.

Hannibal - Amuse-Bouche (S1 E2)
Serial killer Eldon Stammets (named after real-life mycologist Paul Stamets) buries his comatose victims alive for bodies to grow mushrooms.
Resident Evil - 2022 series

Same courtesy isn't extended to other monsters.

2000 AD

Three-part story Fungus spanned Progs 275-277, between July and August 1982.

Grubby the Tramp is infected by fungus mutated by normal spores interacting with chemical sludge.
He quickly becomes a monster.
For shits and gigs.

Judge Dredd - issue 30 (Eagle reprint April 1986)
Video games

Back in the day, Players Software devved some memorable stuff for 8 bit computers.

Joe Blade, Clean Up Time, Turbo Kart Racer, Velocipede and the amusingly titled Ronald Rubberduck.

Oh, and Fungus.

Title character's diet is... guess what?

The Michelin Man was unaware he had a distant cousin.

Elder Mushroom
Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars
Amanita General
Let's Go Jungle: Lost on the Island of Spice
The second and final time we fight giant Tarantula comes at the end of Elephant Ride. 
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
The Mold (a form of fungus) come in three varieties and threaten to bore Ethan (and us) to death.
Before Chris and his crew kidnap Rose, Village contains a joke early doors.

Ethan - Don't give her any sugar or honey.
And NO mushrooms!
Most obscure of all.

Brain Dead 13

Just like Dirk the Daring in Dragon's Lair and Dexter (better known as Ace) in Space Ace, protagonist Lance Galahad can die in numerous violent, albeit bloodless ways.

Can't think why, but one sequence in particular feels relevant.


Cool, right?
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