Friday 22 May 2020

Film Poster mistakes and 'Hidden' references

First off, enjoy some brilliant, and often bizarre goofs.

Angelina Jolie appears to be missing neck and thumb is freakishly long.
Despite these imperfections, lady of the moment still oozes sex appeal. 
Alien: Covenant
Xenomorph's slimy silver slaver is dribbling the wrong way.
Bangkok Dangerous
What is Nic searching for inside his jacket?
Why is other hand holding an invisible gun?
Sadly, these are questions I don't have the answers to.
Ong Bak 2: The Beginning
Elephant rider has no feet.
Spider-Man 2
If all my veins and arteries were stretched out in a line, they'd circle the world twice.
That's nothing, compared to Mary Jane's arm.
From the filmmakers of Interview with a Vampire.
Hmmm, I remember Brad Pitt telling Christian Slater his life story in Interview with the Vampire.
Later posters acknowledged this fact.
Justice League
Gal Gadot is considerably shorter than her fellow co-stars, but promotional material begs to differ.
I blame it on those not so killer boots.
Street Kings
Keanu Reeves manages to fire gun without squeezing the trigger.
Unknown (2011)
At no point does Liam Neeson's character hold a gun.
I Think I Love My Wife
Woman standing behind Chris Rock forgot her other leg.
What the FUCK?
Pretty Woman
Rcihard Gere's millionaire has jet black hair
Yet in reality.

He's a silver fox.
Guess he applied some Just For Men.

The Spy Next Door
There's something wrong with Jackie Chan's hand.
I didn't know the great man was deformed.
We all have our off days I guess.
Double Dragon
Evil has just met it's match!
The NES version of Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones infamously referring to Billy as 'Bimmy' was funny, but this is just goddamn offensive.
Jennifer Lawrence's heart definitely isn't in the right place, as muscular organ is not found in the centre of chest, it's to the left.
Also, to get at ticker, you'd need to bypass both sternum and rib cage.
So even with superhuman powers and/or surgical equipment, bones would be exposed, but only soft tissue is on show.
Basically, a load of medically inaccurate bollocks.
Before it was changed to Return, Revenge of the Jedi was a working title of the final part of the original Star Wars trilogy.
'Revenge' would ultimately be used for Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
Anyway, Luke wields a red Sith lightsaber and Darth Vader duels with a blue Jedi lightsaber.

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
Due to Season of the Witch existing independently, fourth (in the original timeline) is actually the sequel to Halloween II.
But wait a minute.

Mikey's mask is completely different to one shown.
In case it's not immediately obvious, poster 'stole' mask from original.

That's bad, but this is even worse.

Halloween: Resurrection
Jamie Lee Curtis has short hair.

But in one of the worst fucking films of all time...

Shaggy barnet is 'slightly' longer than we're led to believe.
Ha ha ha!

Lazy bastards just lifted shit from Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later.
Q (1982)
I appreciate it's very small, but mistake is in tagline.
Zooming in.

It's name is Quetzalcoatl...
Double Dragon - you're not alone.

Still, art by Boris Vallejo eases the pain.

Bonus round

You'll never look at the following in the same way again.

A death's-head hawkmoth covers mush in The Silence of the Lambs.
Design was modified to represent what's become known as the Dalí Skull.
It's taken from 1951 portrait photograph by Philippe Halsman of Salvador Dalí entitled In Voluptate Mors or Voluptas Mors.
Iconic image was inspired by Dalí's 1939 painting Ballerina in a Death's Head.
The Descent also had the same idea.
Billy's jean button in Gremlins displays Amblin logo, which of course stems from E.T.
Squinting helps...
This is also true (and more visible) in The New Batch.
Take a peek at the top right of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.
Obscured yes, but I suggest word is Korben's.
Bruce Willis portrayed taxi driver Korben Dallas in The Fifth Element
Back with Halloween.

Hand clutching butcher knife in John Carpenter's genre-defining original is more than five psychotic digits.
Screaming face remains disturbing (and clever).

Land of the Dead features a special cameo.
Zooming in.

Tom Savini's Machete Zombie is the undead version of Blades from Dawn of the Dead (1978).
Awesome stuff.

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