Friday, 15 May 2020

Video games Lost in Translation - Restored

Droven by hunger and misery, Fallacy Town is one bag whirlpool of hate.

Live's good, but for virgin worrior; destiny hides muddy beginings.

Those secret reserved for minor behest clitical of stubborn terror myth.

Disengage cowardley chosen thing.

Bravoman (PC Engine)

A normal man would clutch at straws, but drowning ones grab at a straw.
To all my lovery followers...
Are fucking insane... Us.... 
Okay boss, keep yer' hair on, I'am coming !
As this is the last place I can go back too, better make the most of it.
Dr. Bomb is a nice grayhaired man.
No I won't you rude git, but your order is worth noting.
World Heroes 2 Jet (Neo Geo)

Life as an invincible immortal sounds kick-ass, but really isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Growing increasingly bored and depressed, I re-branded myself as a really tongh muchacho, and soon I had to fight the birds off with a shitty stick.
The twighlight time is happiness, exquisite trauma and illegal substances.
Wah, hah, hah!
Steel Force (Arcade)

Solzaar World
The Inteligency Services of the Zamox people are undercover in this complex, build in an intrincate cave system.

Ass is likely to be kicked, but rather than locate and destroy the main generator placed in the last zone, I plan an intricate alternative. 
Hombit World
All the electrical systems are controled by the main generator.
And I care, because?
Destroy and evacue area immediatly.
It will be my fucking pleasure.
What's the hurry? Anybody would think that destruction is imminent.
An overreaction if ever I saw one.
Samurai Shodown III (Neo Geo)

Zankuro was understandably pissed off...
I've been pranning this moment for so long, but now it's here, I have no idea what to do.
This efect isn't special, it's a real damp squib.
Team POW can swivel on mid digit.
U.N. Squadron (Arcade)

The target is the multi-rocket launchers!
The most vulnerable target is the radar installation.
Okay, but mission brief tells us to avoid the missiles and attack the rader.
Missiles and rockets. To radar or not to rader? That is the question.
Thank you!
And yes, don't worry, I'll be carefullllllllllllllll!
Liquid Kids (Arcade)

"Hipopo !"    "Tamasun !"
I've gone over mountains and acrossed valleys to find the way to here at last.
Ah, this dramatic moment !!
Nonsensical cliffhanger has left me feeling a tad depressed, but I'm sure I'll get over it.
At last
There two people can be met again.
But, they are destined to be separated heatlessly !!
Oh, God !
(You ripped the words right out of my mouth).

Rainbow Islands (Arcade)
Awaiting instraction?
Private Monster Dick, are you trying to be funny?
Sir! Negative Sir!
Bullshit. I'm gonna rip your head off and shit down your neck.
Sir! Aye Aye Sir!
Beast Busters (Arcade)
Were the missing scared to death then back to life?
I'm not sure, but reading between the lines, SNK are saying that civvies literally became frozen zombies by being scared?
Big Fight (Arcade)
Dr. D's successor will surelly block 'my' way.

Bring it on baby.
Change Air Blade (Arcade)
Mission compleated
Yeah, I'll drink to that.
Double Dragon (Neo Geo)
Sorry.. Are your hurt babe?
Well I am as a matter of fact, now kindly take you're concern and stick it up your ass.
Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory (Neo Geo)
Setting destination for Sowth Town.
Do you mean South Town?
No I didn't, but bastards can't be whingers.
Last Resort (Neo Geo)
Exhausted from conquering the attack of the machines gone wild, the pilots steer their crafts toward home. They morn the countless lives lost in battle.
My condolences, and unlike said pilots, I will respectfully mourn their passing.
Legend of Hero Tonma (Arcade)
Young man, you'd better go back here,
Do you think that you can return alive once you go into this island?
You must regret it later,
Good for you!
I never imagined that you could come this far,
Bud much fiercer creatures will block your may from here,
Can you surely save the legendary princess?
What an extraordinary story, something I'll have to read again one day.
Maybe it'll make more sense completely smashed.

On second thoughts...
Resident Evil Revelations (PS3)
I'm not surprised the FBC has succesfuly disbanded, because they couldn't organise a biohazard inside zombie-infested brewery.
Robocop (Amstrad CPC)
Identify disceased using police department computer.
Suffice to say, searching for the deceased drew a blank.
Space Invaders '95: The Attack of the Lunar Loonies
You destroy final weapon of invaders.
The earth is saved!
But we've already 'done' this, yet game thinks otherwise.
The Final Round (Arcade)
Red Falco's record (play on Contra's Red Falcon) is:
Wins: 32
Draws: 8
KO: 17
Oh, and 18 loses.
That's put a dampener on things.
The Vindicator (Spectrum)
"The quickest way of ending a war is to loose it"
If only they gave Second Thoughts on James Burnham careful consideration.

George Orwell will be turning in his grave.
Trantor (Spectrum)
Transmission received
Time reseting
Mistake found
End of transmission
Twinkle Star Sprites (Neo Geo)
The Queen of Light has saved the world!
We knew she world!
I was in no doubt either, but I thought she 'would'.
Funny that.
Under Fire (Arcade)
As the corrupt organization takes hold. It's growth spells danger for the city.
One of my pet hates rears its ugly head - AGAIN.
Violence Fight (Arcade)
You agained a victory again now, your tires body needs a rest.
You bet your ass it does, and I will gladly take one.
Spinning on...
Anyhow, it is better for you to take a rest, while thinking about a new fighting which will occur someday.
As game is clearly obsessed with 'rest', maybe it should take its own advice?
Voltage Fighter: Gowcaizer (Neo Geo)
Regardless of what you've heard ladies and gentlemen, the prosecution's case is bullshit, as moving joystick back won't do shit.
The diffence rests.
World Heroes (Neo Geo)
I beg to differ, after having vanguished the villians, the world was devastated by crime, poverty and despair.
Trick Trap (Arcade)
Prince has defeated the Devil and has rescued Princess Papaya.
Blah blah blah...
Another long journey has just begin.
What a shame. Spiel was doing so well until last word fucked it up.
Wendetta 2175 (Amiga)
Break through the Terrons' defences to the NVON-G Black Hole!
Probable hostile absence of the letter N.
Mission note:
Be careful! One could never be sure when the next dictionary will come. 
Art of Fighting 3: Path of the Warrior (Neo Geo)
That was as really fun!
So come on then mate, really fun as what exactly?
Yeah, thought as much.
Alien 3: The Gun (Arcade)
〈 Data Screen On 〉
 ~ Malfunction ~
### System Overload ###
Thunder Force III (Mega Drive)
He denied the existance of human beings and finally he exercised a program to kill the whole human race.
A fearsome cocktail of denial and pain sent me to sleep, yet I woke to nihilistic silence, audible trauma and the existence of dormant reality.
Anyway the war was over.
Clap Clap.

Town salutes Special Dude if F0llacy City, beyond experience my man!

Society ensures manhood disolveing inside jug of takedown.

But peace returning keeps sacrifise charred spirit (redacted).

Until soon later than, inhale succes out!

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