Sunday, 21 July 2019

The Dead Don't Die - The scoop and digest

Zomcoms are ten a penny, so can entry from vignette aficionado Jim Jarmusch separate itself from the rest?

Bill Murray - Chief Cliff Robertson
Adam Driver - Officer Ronnie Peterson
Tilda Swinton - Zelda
Chloё Sevigny - Officer Mindy Morrison
Steve Buscemi - Farmer Miller
Danny Glover - Hank
Caleb Landry Jones - Bobby
Iggy Pop - Coffee Zombie
Sara Driver - Coffee Zombie


All is not well in the peaceful town of Centerville.

It's not getting dark and animals are either missing or behaving strangely.

Polar fracking has not only altered the Earth's rotation, but also caused a zombie apocalypse.

Cops and eccentric locals fight for survival.

Kill the head

Your typical Jarmusch film is impressively crafted and familar star-studded cast deliver good performances, but even when undead start munching, ironic comedy is extremely low on entertainment.

Holy shit man, it's so boring.

The concept of the dead returning to their obsessions in life (coffee, chardonnay and wi-fi) was quite amusing, but pale in comparison to George Romero famously mocking American consumerism in Dawn of the Dead.

Naked zombie lady and Pontiac Tempest are nods to classic original.

Screenplay regularly revisits unfunny gags and not even Kylo Ren's deadpan wit can rescue situation.

The only part that actually worked is car radio playing Sturgill Simpson's appropriately titled 'The Dead Don't Die'.

Cliff wonders why it's so familiar, and Ronnie replies "It's the theme song."

Oh, country singer cameos as zombie.

Why do folks tease Bobby by calling gas station attendant Frodo?


Blood bizarrely erupts like a powder cloud and many zombie kills occur off-screen.

Finally, Tilda Swinton's Scottish samurai getting kidnapped by a UFO made no fucking sense.

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